Facts of Suffering
Why do we do this work? Because we are outraged and devastated by the unimaginable suffering being inflicted upon and endured by countless helpless animals.
We also do this because we have every reason to believe that
we can bring an end to a vast amount of this suffering by using
science to benefit animals, science that to a large extent has
been ignored until now.
We consider it our civic duty and an honor to be tackling the global pet overpopulation problem, to end the cycle of suffering for 1 billion stray dogs and cats and also prevent the deaths of over 30,000 children who die from rabies each year.
The problems we are confronting come in many shapes and sizes, such as the following painful realities ...
Stray dogs are inhumanely killed in over 60 countries.
Inhumane killing methods include:
beating to death
crushing dogs to death
in garbage trucks -
feeding dogs food laced with
broken glass, causing the dogs
to bleed to death
Painful human deaths from rabies and the suffering of stray dogs are directly connected.
The World Health Organization reports:
Globally, over 90% of all people who die from rabies receive the fatal infections from infected stray dogs.
Every 15 minutes a child dies from rabies.
Every month over 1 million people are treated for rabies.
Every year at least 59,000 people, about half of whom are children, die from rabies.
In 2019 the New York Times and others reported that the government of Australia plans to kill up to 2 million feral cats using poison, trapping and shooting.
Mass killings of up to 45,000 dogs are ordered in places such as China and Brazil to remove strays from sight prior to high-profile events such as the Summer and Winter Olympics.
Approximately 1,000 stray dogs are killed each day in Mexico City in an effort to control rabies, yet 1 to 3 million strays remain.
Baghdad, Iraq, has an estimated 1 million stray dogs.
Since 2010 forty teams of Iraqi employees have been issued shotguns to shoot stray dogs on sight to control rabies.
In the midst of a rabies epidemic in 2009, a mass killing of 100,000 stray dogs was ordered in Kashmir, India, then cancelled - yet the strays remain.
Worldwide there are an estimated 600 million stray dogs on any given day.
Females over the age of six months can give birth to a litter of 4 to 12 pups.
Every six months this cycle repeats.
An estimated one billion homeless pups are born yearly.
Many live in a constant state of hunger and suffer from painful diseases which are never treated.
Most die in pain before the age of three.
Each year the number of stray dogs increases.
So what can be done?
About 90% of the time the action taken is to kill the strays.
About 10% of the time the action taken is to perform the
labor-intensive process of capturing each dog, vaccinating
them against rabies and/or performing costly spay or neuter
Sadly, free-roaming dogs and cats can always reproduce faster than we can catch and perform surgery on them.
We believe there is a better way.
Learn more about Our Mission
Thank you for caring.
Alex Pacheco
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You
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