Answering your most pressing questions about 600MillionDogs.
Today, we’re answering one of our most frequently asked questions:
“Why don’t you just promote surgical spay/neuter?”
The good news is, spay and neuter surgeries have saved
countless animals from suffering.
The bad news is, it’s not solving the problem: the current system can’t keep up with the overwhelming number of stray dogs and cats.
In the U.S. alone, over $1 billion is spent annually on trying to address stray dog and cat overpopulation. And despite these efforts, the population of stray animals continues to rise.

There is a global shortage of veterinarians who are dealing with massive workloads and burning out physically and mentally.
When hundreds of millions of stray animals are born every year, this system can’t possibly keep up.
Spay/neuter surgery requires capturing the animal, which is extremely difficult.
Spay/neuter surgery is expensive and time-intensive.
Spay/neuter surgery relies on trained veterinarians to perform surgeries one animal at a time.

Over 600 million stray dogs and 480 million stray cats are struggling to survive — starving, suffering, or falling victim to cruelty.
And every year, millions more are born.
Globally, the issue is fueled by an unexpected culprit: human garbage.
Overflowing trash and discarded scraps feed countless stray animals, creating a vicious cycle where overpopulation continues to grow unchecked.
To truly stop this cycle of suffering, we need a new approach.
That’s why we’re working on something revolutionary — a one-dose “Cookie” that can spay or neuter animals without surgery.
Many scientists agree: the only way to end the suffering is with a permanent, groundbreaking solution.
Thank you for caring about animals!