Iceland's shocking decision to resume whaling this summer threatens 128 magnificent fin whales. We must act now to stop this cruel and unnecessary slaughter!
The planet's second-largest animals are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN Red List.
Whales mourn their dead — sometimes carrying them for days. Iceland's hunt will bring extreme pain and suffering to these innocent animals.
Iceland has granted a license to a company named Hvalur hf to kill up to 128 fin whales, defying the International Whaling Commission's 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling. Since 2003, Iceland has killed a staggering 876 fin whales and 653 minke whales under self-allocated quotas.
"I have grave doubts that whaling off the Icelandic coast can be considered sustainable from an environmental, social and economic perspective," said Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Iceland's former Prime Minister.
Public opinion is shifting — a recent poll found that 51% of Icelanders now oppose whaling.
Together, we can protect these magnificent creatures and promote sustainable, ethical whale-WATCHING instead.
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