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Save animals ... for entire future generations to come!


In 2020, Americans gave a record-setting $471 billion to charities! Despite all the challenges of the pandemic, our generous culture still finds ways to prioritize compassion, empathy, and efforts to enact positive change.

Giving back to others is a part of our ethos. 80% of donations in the U.S. come from individuals, not corporations.

100% of 600 Million Dogs' donations come from generous individuals. 600 Million Dogs does not receive any money from grants or from the government.

As people who care deeply about animals, we’re always looking for the most impactful ways to save them.

Since animals cannot advocate for themselves, it is imperative that we step up and provide a voice for them.

You probably go to great lengths to save animals already. But what about saving entire future generations of animals from suffering?

Woman and dog
Leave a legacy for animals!

Many people are delighted when they realize that one of the most profound acts of generosity a person can perform in their lifetime is to simply "write animals into their Will.”

In the big picture, it's simply a matter of including animals in your Will (your Last Will and Testament), as part of your estate plans. Save animals for generations to come!

Making the decision to save animals by including them in your Will simultaneously creates a legacy.

A legacy that you can create. Here and now.

The following text, written by 600 Founder Alex Pacheco, explains in detail how you can go about including animals in your Will and create a legacy to save animals.


Kitten looking up at camera
Save entire future generations of strays!

Please note this important disclosure:

I am not an attorney ... Because I am not an attorney, I cannot give legal advice. Please do not consider any of this as legal advice. To protect your wishes, you should have your attorney help you with your estate. We are happy to assist you and/or your attorney, by answering any questions you may have.

I have also taken the liberty of including below, a copy of a letter I wrote to my sister Mary, when she asked about including animals in her Will. I'm hoping it will be more useful and more personal than pages filled with legal jargon.

Dear Mary,

Thanks for asking about how to include animals in your Will!

First, a bit about my experience. During the last 40 years, it has been my honor, as an animal advocate, to serve as the Executor in numerous Wills, from humble ones to multi-million-dollar ones, and currently I am the named Executor in a number of additional Wills, all of which I am honored to do for the sake of helping animals.

In my considered opinion, I recommend focusing first on three important questions:

1) Who will take care of my animals after I am gone?

2) Since I already have a Will, what is the easiest way to change it?

3) Who do I trust the most, to carry out all of my wishes?

Below are my opinions on each question.

1) Who will take care of my animals after I am gone?

This is an extremely important decision to make. It goes without saying that whoever you designate to take on this responsibility must be someone you trust to the absolute highest degree.

It is very important to also designate a backup person, and alternate, in case the first person cannot fulfill this very important role.

On a side note, because taking lifetime care of your companion animals is crucial and it may not be easy, if you need help, you should know that 600 and I have a long-standing policy of agreeing to take on this important responsibility if needed, even when 600 and I are not otherwise in the Will. What is important is that your companion animals continue to be protected and well cared for, for life.

2) Since I already have a Will, what is the easiest way to change it?

In my opinion: a one or two-page document called a Codicil.

I think of it as a “Mini-Will.” As an example, below is the text from my own personal Codicil. Please replace my name and make any changes you wish, of course.

3) Who do I trust the most, to carry out my wishes?

In my opinion, this is very much like the first question: Who will take care of my animals? For me the answer is: Whoever I trust the most with my life! Whoever that person is, is who I name as the Executor in my Will.

Again, if you need help, and because this is so important, this is another responsibility I always agree to take on, to help a fellow animal person. It is an honor.

OK, back to the Codicil.

Below is the exact wording of my own personal Codicil.

Of course please make any and all changes, as you wish.

I put the most important information, in my opinion, in bold.

Mary, to designate 600 Million Dogs as a beneficiary of your Will, estate, retirement plan or other holdings, please use this official information:

Our full legal name: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You

We are also known as 600 Million Dogs and

Our official address: P.O. Box 1065, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33061, USA

Our IRS Tax Identification Number is: 33-0601340

We are an IRS registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.

All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.

* * * * Start of Codicil * * * *

Date: March 5, 2019

I, Alexander Fernando Pacheco, change my previous Will, as follows:

1) I give 90% of my total estate to:

600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, Tax I.D. # 33-0601340 to carry out their work protecting animals.

2) I give the specific dollar amount of $_________ to:

600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, Tax I.D. # 33-0601340 to carry out their work protecting animals.

3) I give the following possessions to 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You:

3a) All of my: IRA, and all shares of stock that I may own upon my death.

3b) The following real estate (a list of any properties, with full mailing addresses):___________________________________________.

3c) The following items (a list of any valuables such as jewelry, coins, artwork, vehicles, etc.): My life insurance policy, and any vehicles and any other valuables I may own upon my death.

4) If my primary beneficiary in my previous Will, and or if any of my heirs in my previous Will, do not survive me, then their respective inheritance shall go to: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You,

Tax I.D. # 33-0601340.

5) This Codicil shall supersede any conflicting aspects of my previous Will. In all other respects, I ratify and confirm the provisions of my previous Will.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign, publish and declare this instrument to be a Codicil to my previous Will, in the presence of the persons witnessing said Codicil, at my request, on this date: Month: March, Day: 5, Year: 2019.

My Signature: ____________

My Printed name: Alexander Fernando Pacheco

My Street address: P.O. Box 1065

City: Pompano Beach State: Florida Zip code: 33061.

My date of birth is Month: August, Day: 19, Year: 1958.

* * * * * * * * *

Witness #1 Signature: _____________

Witness #1 Printed name: ___________

Witness #1 Street address: ___________

City:_________State:___Zip code:_____

My date of birth is Month:__________ Day:_______ Year: ______

* * * * * * * * *

Witness #2 Signature: _____________

Witness #2 Printed name: ___________

Witness #2 Street address: ___________

City:________State:____Zip code:____

My date of birth is Month:__________ Day:_______ Year:_______

* * * * * * * * * *


COUNTY OF _____________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____day of ____________, 20___,

by (your full name:)______________

personally known _______________ or

produced identification ___________.

Type of Identification Produced:_________


Signature of Notary Public:_____________

Printed Name of Notary: ______________

or Stamped.

* * End of Codicil example * *

Click below to download this sample codicil as a PDF.

Last but not least, a short checklist of important tips:

___ I have all important documents signed by two witnesses and notarized by a notary all at the same sitting when I also sign! (Even if this is not be required in my state.)

___ I consult a lawyer. Different states have different requirements.

___ I always send a copy of my Will and my Codicil to my attorney and to 600 to ensure my wishes are carried out.

Dog and human guardian

Please remember this important disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and to protect your wishes, you should have your attorney help you with your Will. Because I am not an attorney, I cannot give legal advice, and please do not consider any of this as legal advice.

Of course 600 and I are happy to work with you and your attorney to help you create your personal legacy to help animals for generations to come.

Thank you for caring.

Out of 1.8 million nonprofit organizations, 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You has been awarded the prestigious Gold status of accountability by GuideStar, "the nation's premier nonprofit database."



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600 Million Stray Dogs Need You is 

nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation.

 IRS Tax Identification Number 33-0601340 

Donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law


600 Million Stray Dogs Need You
P.O. Box 1065, Pompano Beach

Florida, 33061 USA 

Phone (954) 464-9331

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 Copyright © 2024 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, All rights reserved.

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