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Neuter Dogs, Save Lives?


Updated: Oct 31, 2022

vet with dog

Should I neuter my dog?

When we make the decision to neuter a dog, we aren’t just protecting their health.

We’re protecting the hundreds of millions of dogs and cats who would otherwise end up in the Cycle of Suffering.

We’re also helping to combat the rabies epidemic.

But first off, how does spaying and neutering our dogs and cats benefit them as individuals?

I should neuter my dog… to decrease aggression.

Neutering male dogs involves removing the organ that is responsible for making testosterone. Testosterone is a male hormone with a number of effects associated with it.

During puberty, the effects of testosterone become clear:

The dog will have a deeper bark,

he will bulk up with muscle,

and his head will grow

(which is quite similar to how human males change during puberty!).

But testosterone also increases aggressive behaviors.

It additionally impacts how quickly a dog will calm down once he starts behaving aggressively.

Testosterone also leads dogs to be more protective of their territory.

Sometimes, dogs will pee to mark their territory, even indoors.

I should neuter my dog… to prevent him from wandering off.

Testosterone also leads a male dog to wander off.

This is because he is looking for a mate.

Wandering off can lead to horrible incidents, such as the dog accidentally walking into a busy street.

I should neuter my dog… to prevent him from developing organ-specific diseases.

Dogs who have not been neutered or spayed are also more likely to suffer from organ-specific diseases, such as mammary tumors or prostate cancer.

In male dogs, neutering decreases the risk of prostate disease and hernias. It completely eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer.

I should neuter my dog… to help prevent overpopulation.

Here’s the thing: we are dealing with an overpopulation crisis of dogs and cats.

There are 600 million stray dogs and cats on any given day. Those 600 million will reproduce. We end up with 1 billion homeless animals.

stray dogs

These animals will suffer.

They will starve.

They will never know the love and safety of a home or a family.

And in 60 countries, strays are put to death in horrific ways. They may be beaten, poisoned, hanged, or even crushed in garbage trucks.

I should neuter my dog… to help combat the rabies epidemic.

And if that suffering wasn’t enough, 90% of global rabies infections in humans are as a result of infected dogs.

Every year at least 59,000 people, about half of whom are children, die from rabies.

Okay, so I should neuter my dog!

Spay and neuter surgery is incredibly safe.

It’s a routine procedure that veterinarians perform on a daily basis!

Spaying and neutering dogs can have an incredible impact:

On the individual animal,

On the overpopulation crisis facing dogs and cats,

On humans, who are at a higher risk of rabies as a result.

And that’s why the mission of 600 Million Dogs is to make it as easy as possible to spay and neuter.

The Spay and Neuter Cookie is in the research and development stage. Once completed, this one-dose birth control will offer a safe, effective, and permanent solution to the pet overpopulation crisis.

Current issues with spay and neuter

As stated above, reducing the number of dogs born in the first place will massively reduce the overpopulation crisis. Spay and neuter surgery is currently the best way to do that.

Spay and neuter surgery is a routine procedure, but it can be expensive, time-consuming, and take a lot of resources.

As guardians, when we adopt a dog, we make the commitment to provide them with veterinary care. Animals should not be adopted unless the guardian is willing to provide all that is necessary for them to thrive.

But in the case of stray dogs and shelters, having the money to provide the surgery can be difficult.

In many countries around the world, there are few or no animal shelters. Stray dogs live their lives on the streets.

You may be familiar with programs such as “trap, neuter, release,” or TNR. These programs catch stray dogs and cats, spay/neuter them, and then release them once again.

These programs do essential work. But once again, they require a great deal of resources.

That’s why the Spay and Neuter Cookie will be a truly world-changing solution.

I should neuter my dog … with a Cookie? One day, yes!

I should neuter my dog … to save lives!

Simply put, the world does not need more dogs. We need more loving homes, and more people who understand the importance of adopting dogs instead of buying from a breeder.

Adopting a dog from a shelter is a life-saving act, and making sure that more dogs aren’t born just to suffer is essential work.

Spaying and neutering makes sure that we are saving innocent animals who would otherwise live short, painful lives.

happy dog running


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