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Why was Spotty shot?


Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
Person points a gun out of a van window in Askar, where stray dogs are being shot.

Helpless stray dogs of all ages are being captured, trucked to remote areas and shot to death — on the wealthy island nation of Bahrain.


Please help stop this ongoing cruelty.


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1) If you have any connections in the media or with any social media influencers: please forward this to them. (And please let us know at so we can follow up.)


International media attention is crucial in convincing the Bahrain government to take action and stop these senseless murders. 


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Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
Witnesses saw this terrified dog running and screaming after being shot by the person in the vehicle. The dog then collapsed, was put in a plastic bag, and was taken away in a truck.

Bahrain - January 2024 – Animal rescuers are facing a desperate situation as multiple men armed with rifles continue to ruthlessly shoot stray dogs in Bahrain. The distressing footage received by 600 Million Dogs exposes a disturbing pattern where gunmen, positioned inside vehicles, take aim through open windows to mercilessly shoot these innocent animals.


The brutality unfolds almost daily at around 4 AM, especially in the Askar region, where dogs are often shot multiple times before meeting a tragic end. Soon afterward, a macabre "death truck" arrives, and men collect the lifeless bodies, callously tossing them into trash bags and piling them into the pickup before it disappears into the darkness.


Local residents are doing all they can to prevent the dogs from being killed, but they face many dangers. Witnesses have been intimidated to stay quiet. 


Despite the danger, a few brave individuals have filed complaints with the police, but they also report that authorities thus far have done virtually nothing to stop the abuse. 


Since October 2022, this horrific scenario has become a cruel routine. A dedicated group of volunteers patrols Askar, risking their safety to prevent more dogs from falling victim to this senseless violence. Despite their efforts in rescue, feeding, rehoming, and Catch, Neuter, and Release (CNR), the scale of the problem demands urgent attention and assistance.


“I witnessed two shootings and tried to take a video of one of them,” laments one volunteer. “The shootings are happening daily, and we have been helpless to stop it.” 


The gravity of the situation is further emphasized by the indiscriminate targeting of puppies and their mothers, either shot or left to starve. In 2022, bodies were left half-buried, allowing for investigations that revealed X-rays showing small bullets lodged in the dogs' bodies.


As the perpetrators evolved their tactics, attempts to cover up these atrocities intensified. The removal of bodies, collection of bullet casings, and cleanup of bloodstains on the ground speak to a disturbing effort to conceal the cruelty committed against these helpless animals.

Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
Whitey, a stray dog, was shot in Askar.

To make matters worse, cruel individuals – especially teenage boys – feel free to torture and kill the helpless strays of Askar, and the government does nothing to stop them. The photos below are from January 2024.

Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
The red on the floor is blood from this white dog nicknamed Nany, a friendly dog who was shot. A well-meaning person who found her tried to help by taping the wound. Rescuers found Nany this way and brought her to the vet in hopes that she will survive.

Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
Rescuers had been trying to find a home for a beloved stray named Spotty. They were devastated that she was shot and wounded. They brought her to a vet for treatment, but it is not yet known if she'll survive.

Bahrain dog shooting, dog shooting, stray dogs, dogs
These poor dogs were shot and killed and left on the street.

Amidst this dire situation, volunteers beg for help.


Despite the government's CNR program, which has been active for several years, the scale of the stray dog killings remains overwhelming. 


“Most people do not worry about the stray dogs that are roaming the island. They just want to see them dead. There are people high up that could put an end to this. We need help getting the word out about what is going on, and it is very frustrating to see what is happening with so little resources. It’s a really bad situation here. And the dogs are the ones who ultimately pay the price,” reveals a disheartened volunteer.


The time to act is now.


For interviews and questions, please contact us at

1 Comment

Aug 22, 2024

I'm sorry but I have to say it..."mutha f'ers die".



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