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Kitten Thrown From Bridge ... Demand Justice Now!

kitten, feral cat

An innocent kitten was thrown from a bridge in Italy by two teenagers.


The tiny, confused black kitten died because of this senseless cruelty and disregard for life. 


In a video posted online by a third teenager, a 17-year-old girl is seen encouraging a 14-year-old boy to throw the kitten off a bridge in Lanusei, Italy, in July 2024. [1]

Help us demand that the teens receive the MAXIMUM penalty so that they will NEVER do this again, and to let other teens know that cruelty to animals is a crime!

kitten, feral cat

Helpless stray dogs and cats are easy targets for random attacks. They often suffer from deliberate abuse, and the abusers are seldom punished.


Our mission is to end the number 1 cause of suffering and death for dogs and cats -- overpopulation -- by developing a permanent-lasting birth control cookie that will only need to be eaten one time, and it will in effect spay or neuter -- without surgery.

For just $5 a month, you can join our mission to protect homeless animals from needless suffering. Every dollar brings us closer to a world where every dog and cat knows safety and love. Donate $5 a month and watch your generosity transform lives.

kitten, feral cat, cats




If you are unable to access the petition or prefer to personalize your message, feel free to copy/paste the message below and send to the Prosecutor's Office at


To the Lanusei Public Prosecutor's Office,


We, the undersigned, are horrified by the recent incident in Lanusei, where a 14-year-old boy, encouraged by a 17-year-old girl, threw a kitten from a bridge, leading to the kitten's senseless death. This act of cruelty, recorded and shared on social media by a third teen, demonstrates a severe disregard for life and societal values.


Given the seriousness of this crime, we urge you to impose the maximum penalty allowed by law on the teens involved. This will send a strong message that cruelty to animals is not a joke — it is a terrible way to behave towards an innocent, defenseless living being, and it should never be tolerated.



Italian translation:


Alla Procura della Repubblica di Lanusei,


Noi sottoscritti siamo inorriditi dal recente incidente avvenuto a Lanusei, dove un ragazzo di 14 anni, incoraggiato da una ragazza di 17 anni, ha gettato un gattino da un ponte, provocando la morte insensata del gattino. Questo atto di crudeltà, registrato e condiviso sui social media da un terzo adolescente, dimostra un grave disprezzo per la vita e i valori sociali.


Considerata la gravità di questo crimine, vi esortiamo a imporre agli adolescenti coinvolti la pena massima consentita dalla legge. Ciò invierà un messaggio forte: la crudeltà verso gli animali non è uno scherzo: è un modo terribile di comportarsi nei confronti di un essere vivente innocente e indifeso e non dovrebbe mai essere tollerato.


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