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Tell Elon Musk and Neuralink: Stop Messing with Animals’ Brains! Use Humane Research Techniques!

Did you know that over 1,500 animals have already been killed because of Elon Musk?

Photo of monkey and photo of pig

According to recent reports, billionaire Elon Musk’s company Neuralink is to blame. Neuralink is designing a device to process and transmit neural signals that could connect to other technological devices, such as a computer or a phone. The company hopes that one day a person will be able to control a computer mouse or keyboard with their thoughts. The start-up also claims that one day, the chip will enable blind people to see again and allow quadriplegics the chance to walk again. But Neuralink’s lofty goals are clouded by evidence of abusive animal experiments, even according to its own employees. Dating back to 2017, public records revealed horrifying details: one rhesus monkey’s nausea was “so severe that the animal vomited and had open sores in her esophagus before she was finally killed,” according to the nonprofit group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. In 2021, 25 out of 60 pigs at Neuralink had devices that were the wrong size implanted in their heads, leading to their death. According to Neuralink employees, Musk had been pressuring them to work too fast, causing mistakes. This caused even more unnecessary suffering and death than are typical in lab experiments on animals. As you know, tragically, the laws to protect animals from cruel experiments are very weak. In December of 2022, a federal investigation was launched after whistleblower complaints revealed reckless behavior by scientists at Neuralink, even violating the few weak laws that are in place. As a billionaire, Elon Musk clearly has the resources to develop and use alternative methods to animal testing altogether. He could use his enormous power for good. Why doesn’t he? Please stand up for suffering animals. Demand that Neuralink STOP its cruel animal experiments! We've written a message you can use. Just click on the button below!

Humane Research Techniques: The Future of Scientific Studies

Tragically, animals have been exploited for science throughout the history of medical research.

In more recent history, the use of animals in research has been a controversial topic. Animal testing has contributed to medical advances, but it's essential to consider the abuse and brutality that animal testing causes to beings who feel pain and suffer just like us.

This is where humane research techniques come into play, providing a kinder alternative to animal testing.

Animals are not objects to be used for science experiments!

What Are Humane Research Techniques?

Humane research techniques are methods used in scientific studies that don't involve animals. They ensure that no animals are harmed or used unfairly in the name of science. With the rapid advancement in technology, we now have several humane alternatives to animal testing.

Why Switch to Humane Research Techniques?

Firstly, animals are beings with emotions, intelligence, families, friends, and ways of life, just like humans. They deserve to live without being abused for our purposes. Secondly, humane research techniques often provide more accurate and reliable results, as they use human cells or computer simulations that closely mimic human biology.

Types of Humane Research Techniques

In Vitro Testing

In vitro testing, often known as "test-tube" experiments, involves testing on human cells or tissues in a laboratory. These techniques can provide accurate results because they are based on human biology. There are different types of in vitro tests, such as cell culture tests, which allow scientists to study diseases and test potential drugs without involving animals.

Computer Simulations

Computer simulations, or in silico models, are becoming more popular in research. These models simulate human biology and can predict how a drug or treatment will work in the human body. They are fast, accurate, and completely animal-free. In fact, a recent study by the University of Oxford found that computer models had a much higher accuracy (89-96%) predicting negative reactions from drugs on the human heart than animal models.

Volunteer Studies

Volunteer studies involve human participants who willingly take part in research studies. These studies are carefully regulated to ensure that they are safe and ethical. They provide direct information about how a drug or treatment affects humans, without any need for animal testing.


Microdosing is a process where volunteers are given a very small dose of a drug. This dose is too small to cause effects but large enough for a special scanner to measure how the drug behaves in the body. Like volunteer studies, this method provides direct information about the effects of a drug in humans.

The Future of Humane Research Techniques

With the rise of advanced technology, the possibilities for humane research techniques are growing. For instance, organs-on-chips and 3D bioprinting are exciting new areas of research. Organs-on-chips are tiny chips that mimic the structure and function of human organs, while 3D bioprinting involves creating structures that resemble human tissues.

The future of humane research techniques also depends on our actions. By choosing products that are not tested on animals and supporting research that uses humane methods, we can make a difference.

In the case of Neuralink, Elon Musk is a billionaire who certainly has the resources to invest in humane alternatives. There is no excuse for animal abuse!


Animals are emotional, inherently valuable beings who deserve to live free from exploitation. Humane research techniques allow us to continue making scientific progress without harming animals and without compromising on our ethical responsibility to treat all beings with respect.

As technology continues to advance, it is important that these humane alternatives become the standard! By embracing humane research techniques, we can pave the way for a kinder, more compassionate future in scientific research.


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