"Love + Radio," a podcast distributed by NPR, has released an interview with 600 Million Dogs president Alex Pacheco discussing the Silver Springs Monkey Case, which is widely considered to have launched the animal rights movement in the United States.
Ingird Newkirk and Pacheco co-founded People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in 1980.
Pacheco was chairman of PETA from 1980-2000.
Animal advocates, please be forewarned that portions of this program will make you angry.
Experimenter Edward Taub claims that his work helped millions because it led to something called "CI therapy."
We vehemently disagree with this claim.
Unfortunately, the experimenter gets the last word on this show, but overall, we consider this program to be fair and respectful toward those of us who do care about animals, so we hope you'll check it out!
This 36-minute podcast can be found HERE.
The written transcript is available free at
~Allison Williams
600 Million Dogs Volunteer