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A Holiday Letter from Alex Pacheco ~600 Million Dogs


Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Your holiday gift will be


to end the number one cause of suffering

for dogs and cats!

Dear friends,

I cannot thank you enough, for helping make 2019 a strong year!

With you by our side we’ll make 2020 even better for animals, and I deeply appreciate your help as we work to end the global problem of dog and cat overpopulation and suffering.

This holiday, we are not taking time off.

Instead, we are working around the clock to help homeless dogs and cats -- by using high-tech, 21st century science -- to develop the Spay and Neuter Cookie, to end their #1 cause of suffering: overpopulation.

Black stray puppy India Alex Pacheco 600 Million Dogs

Photo courtesy of Brett Cole

A stray pup named Angel. Alone and helpless. Another victim of overpopulation.

As a friend of 600, you are most likely already quite aware of the global animal overpopulation problem.

Making things worse, too many other people are still unaware of how severe the problem is, which is why I'm asking you to ...

Please, share this post with family and friends, to help spread the word and raise awareness and support.

In this post I zero in on why this global problem is only getting worse, and more importantly, I spell out how we intend to end the problem and end the suffering.

Horrifying scenes like the one above, of a puppy almost run over on a city street, are shockingly common, and one has to ask:

What kind of world are we living in, where things like this are allowed to happen in public and in broad daylight?  

The global overpopulation of dogs is so out of hand that thousands of pups are hit by cars or run over every day.

A study in 2015 estimated that in the U.S. alone, over 3,000 dogs are hit by cars every day, and over 14,000 cats are hit by cars, every day.

Not to mention the thousands who are hit by cars but not killed right away ... those who are maimed or badly injured, and who have to suffer even more from crippling pain, pain that may never end.

Their suffering is immeasurable. 

Unimaginable ... and unnecessary. 

Black stray puppy India Alex Pacheco 600 Million Dogs

Photo courtesy of Brett Cole

We need to work smarter.

We must wake up to the fact that this exact same overpopulation problem has existed for our entire lives -- even though it can be solved.

We must wake up to the fact that this same problem is getting worse every year -- not better.

Why does it get worse every year? 

Because stray dogs and cats will always breed, and reproduce, faster than we can catch them and perform spay and neuter surgery on them.  

Because surgery is too expensive and too labor-intensive for the majority of the world.

Because surgery requires literally a small team of humans to perform a single spay surgery, from sterilizing the surgical equipment to anesthetizing the dog -- and all of this effort and expense for only ONE dog at a time. 

Because in the time it takes to perform a single spay surgery, four more strays down the street have given birth to four entire litters of pups. In that same amount of time, they've given birth to 20 offspring -- 20 offspring who will begin reproducing in only six months. 

Each year, the problem is worse.

The facts bear this out.

Despite hundreds of millions of dollars being spent every year on surgeries, globally the number of strays only goes up, not down.

Nine years ago in 2010, the widely accepted estimate was that there were approximately 600 million stray dogs worldwide. 

Six years later, in 2016, the New York Times estimated the number at 750 million.

We clearly need to work smarter -- not just harder.

We must wake up to the fact that surgery, as good as it is, will never solve the global overpopulation crisis.

We must wake up to the fact that the only way to end this problem is to develop an edible product that will safely and permanently sterilize strays, without having to physically capture every animal, without having to transport every animal, and without having to perform manual surgery on every animal.

The good news is clear: by working more strategically -- and by intelligently employing cutting-edge science -- we can solve this horrendous problem.

Some more good news: we have a plan to do just that.

Pilot pup in clinic kissing Alex Pacheco 600 Million Dogs

One of our rescued Pilot Pups named Missy, kissing 600's founder.

Our work is well under way to develop the Spay and Neuter Cookie, which when completed will be capable of ending this problem. 

The big holdup is a pure lack of funds. 

Our work to develop the Spay and Neuter Cookie is classified as the development of a veterinary pharmaceutical formula. 

Ninety-nine percent of the time, only big drug companies develop veterinary pharmaceutical formulas, and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to do it. 

In order to succeed, we have two plans in place: a short-term plan which costs less, and a long-term plan which costs more. 

Our short-term plan is the current Grassroots R&D work which we are conducting, as well as our current clinical trials, all of which we are carrying out with the help of part-time scientists. 

The downside is that because we can only afford part-time and spare-time scientists, our progress is slower than it would be if we had full-time scientists. 

Our long-term plan is our larger Professional and Expedited R&D Plan, which is designed to speed up the entire process by bringing all of our work into the U.S. and raising the funds to have full-time scientists. 

As soon as a final formula for the Cookie is completed, we will not seek expensive and time-consuming FDA approval; instead, we will begin to put the Cookie to work on a limited basis in some parts of the world where it is needed the most -- for example, in parts of India and Mexico.

One way we will do this will be to provide the Cookie to local health departments, at low to no cost. Around the world, many of these departments distribute poison (by leaving the poison on the ground) to kill stray dogs in order to control rabies.

The bottom line: the lives and the suffering of too many animals are at stake, and we will not stop until we succeed.

We are a very small grassroots nonprofit charity, and we rely entirely on contributions from caring individuals.

We receive no government support.

We receive no grants.

Despite the many obstacles placed in our path by our adversaries within the animal community and the veterinary and pharmaceutical communities, we remain absolutely dedicated to succeeding in this mission, to ensure that the animals get the help they need.

If you're not familiar with my work for animals over the last 40 years, I invite you to click here to read about my background, and if you'd also like to call me with questions, you're welcome to. (954) 464-9331.

The best news is that we're making progress! Though I hasten to emphasize that it is not enough and we very much need full-time scientists, to speed up the process, which is why we need your help.

I'll also be elaborating on the progress of our clinical trials, in a separate post. 

If you would like to support us, as we march forward and struggle to end the global overpopulation crisis, please do.

Last but certainly not least, thanks to a caring supporter who wishes to remain anonymous, your holiday gift will be DOUBLED this year up to $25,000!

Please take advantage of this very generous offer to double your tax-deductible gift! Just visit our Donate page at

Gifts of any amount are very much needed and appreciated.

600 Million Dogs: a bold campaign to permanently end the global overpopulation and suffering of strays, in our lifetime!

Please, won't you join us on this daring and exciting journey? 

And again, please share this post with family and friends, to help spread the word and raise awareness and support.

Thank you!

Alex Pacheco 600 Million Dogs
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 IRS Tax Identification Number 33-0601340 

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