Photos of Suffering
Attention: These photos are graphic, but please don't turn away.
In the U.S., thousands of dogs and cats are still killed every DAY in shelters. And millions of uncaught strays live harsh, short lives outdoors.
This is terrible enough, but in many countries, strays suffer even more. Since our mission is a global one, we feel compelled to show what's happening outside the U.S.
We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.
~Gretchen Wyler

Live dog being crushed in a garbage truck.
In over 60 countries, there are few to no laws against cruelty to animals, and stray dogs and cats are killed by extremely inhumane methods, including…
-- beating to death -- poisoning -- shooting -- electrocution -- hanging -- lacing food with crushed glass -- crushing dogs to death in garbage trucks.
Why are these methods used? Because they're very low-cost.
Dogs are being systematically shot to death in Bahrain!
In this video from June 20, 2023, a wounded dog is running down the street, then collapses.
A pickup truck comes by, and men put the dog in a plastic bag, then into the truck.
Free-roaming dogs are removed from other areas of Bahrain and dumped in the remote area of Askar, where they are later shot to death. PRESSURE from the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY is needed to condemn these shootings and convince the government of Bahrain that this is cruel and that stray animals must be treated in a humane way.
Bahrain is a tiny, wealthy island nation (the size of New York City) that could deal with its stray animals humanely!
Please sign our petition at and share this info with journalists, social media influencers, and family and friends. Media contact:
Stray mom with pups being captured.
Our goal is to end the global pet overpopulation crisis and end these acts of cruelty. How? By developing the Spay and Neuter Cookie, which, when completed, will be capable of spaying and neutering - without surgery.

Your donation not only goes to help end pet overpopulation and prevent the suffering of strays, it also allows us to rescue more pups like Autumn.
Autumn, one of our pilot pups was rescued at 12 weeks old after being abandoned and left to fend for herself. She was found suffering from a severe case of intestinal parasites and was as shy as could be.
Everyone, including her rescuers, fell in love with her at first sight, making her adoption process quick and easy. To this day, Autumn is still a very quiet and calm little lady. More than anything, though, she is super affectionate and loves nothing more than curling up in her favorite humans' laps for hours at a time.
Strays also suffer every day from starvation, untreated injuries and illnesses, and random acts of cruelty.

Even spayed females are shot and killed.

Men beating stray dogs to death in public.
Please unmute the videos below.
Dog looking at dead dogs in a high-kill shelter outside the U.S.
Crying puppy being killed in high-kill shelter outside the U.S.
Suffering, dying dog in a high-kill shelter outside the U.S.
Crying dog being killed at high-kill shelter outside the U.S.

Your donation not only goes to help end pet overpopulation and prevent the suffering of strays, it also allows us to rescue more pups like Frenchie.
When our Pilot Pup Frenchie was first found, there were doubts that she would make it. She was skin and bones, and rescuers noticed that her legs looked to be deformed.
After several weeks of some tender love and care and plenty of nourishment, Frenchie was able to make a full recovery. We even realized through her recovery process that she loves to eat cantaloupe and bananas!
Today, Frenchie is a gentle, sweet, and happy little Bulldog who is grateful to those who saved her.

Men hanging a stray dog.
Mass killings of tens of thousands of dogs have been carried out in countries like China and Brazil, to remove strays from sight prior to high-profile public events such as the Olympics.
In Mexico City alone, with its 1.2 to 3 million stray dogs, thousands of dogs are killed every month.

Your donation not only goes to help end pet overpopulation and prevent the suffering of strays, it also allows us to rescue more pups like Marley.
Marley, also known as the gentle giant, loves lounging in the green grass, basking in the sun, and giving sloppy kisses to everyone!
All of our Pilot Pups are adopted out into loving homes after participating in the program. We also cover all associated costs such as veterinary care, food, housing, transportation, adoption -- and we add a hefty dose of love and affection.
Badly injured and infected head.
Thank you for caring.
The good news is, you can prevent the cruelty you've seen here.
Help us end the pet overpopulation crisis once and for all.
Please support our work to develop the Spay and Neuter Cookie, which, when completed, will be capable of spaying and neutering - without surgery.

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
~Ryunosuke Satoro