Fight Dog and Cat
Who We Are
Our mission is to bring a permanent end to global pet overpopulation, end the Cycle of Suffering for 1 billion stray dogs and cats and prevent the deaths of over 30,000 children who die from rabies each year.
How? By using cutting-edge science to develop the Spay and Neuter Cookie.
Once completed, the Cookie will be capable of spaying and neutering a dog or cat – without surgery.
The Cookies are being engineered so they will only need to be eaten one time. They are also being designed to be species-specific.
Though not ready yet, when used as intended they will be safe and will not harm humans, animals or the environment.
No animals are harmed in our work.
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You can help prevent all of this suffering.
Fight the number one cause of their suffering.
Say no to dog and cat overpopulation and the suffering it causes.

Meet the Founder
Alex Pacheco - U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame
Alex Pacheco is often described as the Father of the Modern Day Animal Rights Movement in the United States.
As co-founder of both the world’s largest animal rights organization (PETA) and the world’s largest non-profit animal adoption organization (Adopt-A-Pet), his 30-year track
record of victories for animals is arguably unequaled.
Described by those close to him as a modern-day Spartan because of his Franciscan, non-materialistic philosophy, Pacheco remains an innovator and, above all, perhaps the world’s preeminent defender of animal rights.
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We recently launched a petition that will help put an end to dog meat markets in South Korea!
Learn more about our work and what we are doing to stop dog and cat overpopulation and the suffering it causes.