My Dog Is On The Pill
The views expressed here are those of the authors. They are not necessarily the words or opinions of 600 Million Dogs nor
Alex Pacheco unless expressly stated as such.
Rabies Tragedy: Could This Have Been Prevented?
Dog and Cat Meat Banned at Notorious Meat Market! But the Work Doesn’t Stop Here
Deadline Sep 8, 2023! Tell CDC: Don't Kill Dogs with Red Tape!
It's Make-a-Will Month. Do you have a plan for your animals' future?
8 Facts You Might Not Know About Dogs
How to Report a Potential Animal Abuse Case
The Link Between Pet Overpopulation and Illness
Can India's Stray Dog Crisis be Solved?
The Sad Reality of Animal Abuse in Developing Countries
The Dangers of Hot Cars: Dogs Suffer Painfully Slow Deaths…
Actions That Are Being Taken Worldwide to Control Dog and Cat Overpopulation
A Potential Historic Victory: South Korea’s Dog Meat Industry Could Shut Its Doors
What is a Pet Trust and How Can You Set One Up?
Summer Heat Dog Safety Tips
Act now for animals ... have your impact DOUBLED!