My Dog Is On The Pill
The views expressed here are those of the authors. They are not necessarily the words or opinions of 600 Million Dogs nor
Alex Pacheco unless expressly stated as such.
Kennel Stress: a "deadly threat..."
Texas dogs declare war on cars ...
He killed a pigeon ... and was arrested!
As if nursing 10 puppies wasn't enough...
Why is Spay Day Important?
From suffering to safety! Celebrate valentines and save a life!
Why was Spotty shot?
Tiny tech to save our companions from tragedy?
An End to Dog Meat in South Korea?
30 Himalayan Cats abandoned?
Dogs, Paul McCartney, Alexander the Great and Audrey Hepburn!
A stray dog "breaks into a human nursing home" 3 times!
What Happened to Alex Pacheco?
Any zoo-goers in your family? If so, please share.
End your year on a note so high, only your dog will hear it!
Why is this shelter in lockdown?
Hope Unleashed with scientific progress for animals!
6 Reasons Never to Give Animals as Surprise Gifts!
Sickening Cruelty YOU helped fight in 2023
Dogs and Cats Stolen for Meat in Vietnam