My Dog Is On The Pill
The views expressed here are those of the authors. They are not necessarily the words or opinions of 600 Million Dogs nor
Alex Pacheco unless expressly stated as such.
Meet Lucky, one of our newly rescued Pilot Pups!
Sooner or later, spay/neuter surgery will be history.
Will you Smile for Strays? Amazon Prime Day is July 12-13
Let's develop oral, permanent birth control for those who need it the most -- STRAYS!
Sooner or later, spay/neuter surgery will be replaced by something better!
Happy 4th of July! 7 ways to make it fun for animals, too!
Sooner or later, spay/neuter surgery will be history.
Cats may love boxes, but saving more strays means thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX
Spay/neuter surgery: this is what happens when dogs can't get it.
Wherever people are suffering, stray dogs are suffering, too.
Dog Dad Day is Sunday! But your dog loves you every day
Too much of a good thing...together we must develop better birth control for strays